Your Rights. Our Mission.

Our Child Support Attorneys Are Here For Your Child Support Needs

If you’re having any sort of child support issue, be sure to work with Louisville child support attorneys with years of experience handling child support cases in Kentucky. Many parents suffer financial problems when child support is calculated improperly. We take care of child support matters quickly and efficiently so they’re resolved as soon as possible and the finances can be straightened out immediately.

Louisville’s Top Child Support Attorneys

Paternity Cases

In accordance with Kentucky Law, child support is supposed to be allocated to each parent fairly based on:

  • Each parent’s income
  • Cost of daycare services
  • Cost of health insurance
  • Number of days the child spends with each parent

But child support isn’t always set up equitably, especially for fathers. Mistakes can be made, and when they happen, you need a Louisville child support lawyer from Pharr Law Group to protect your interests and make sure your child receives their proper support too.


Once child support amounts are set by the court, they can’t be modified retroactively. But the Louisville child support attorneys at our office can file a petition for modification of child support under certain conditions, which include if a parent’s income changes by a set percentage or if the amount of child support owed varies by a set percentage.

Enforcement and Contempt

If a parent fails to pay their court-ordered share of child support, a contempt petition will be filed against that parent. If that parent is found guilty of willful contempt for not paying, they can be sentenced to a jail term for not complying with a court order to pay child support. Work with our Louisville child support attorneys now to make sure this never happens to you.

Call us today to talk to a Louisville child support lawyer about your case or to set up a meeting. We are conveniently located in Louisville, Kentucky, and offer flexible appointments to meet your schedule.