Your Rights. Our Mission.

The Defense You Deserve Against Violent Crime Charges In Louisville And Beyond

Many violent crimes stem from ongoing disputes or situations that suddenly intensify, leading to severe consequences. Charges in these cases can range from assault to homicide. The consequences are especially dire when there are deaths, injuries or a firearm involved, potentially leading to years behind bars.

At Pharr Law Group, our Louisville violent crime lawyer has successful experience defending against many different types of violent crime cases, ranging from harassment all the way up to murder. If you’ve been charged with a violent crime, contact us immediately to protect your rights and freedom.

Types Of Violent Crime Charges

Many crimes in Kentucky can fall under the “violent crimes” label. Given the harsh potential consequences and stigma that come along with a violent crime conviction, it’s essential to have a strong lawyer by your side. Our attorney has earned five “Walker Awards” for getting people off the hook in multicount felony cases. He knows how to come through for people when the stakes are high.

You can turn to our team for help fighting any type of violent crime charge, including the following:


This most serious of all violent crime charges requires an experienced Louisville murder lawyer from our firm to provide you with the effective legal defense you need. We have the resources to hire the best investigators available to conduct our own investigation and find evidence the police may have missed. Even one small piece of evidence can mean the difference between an innocent or guilty verdict.

Plus, our familiarity with the court systems all throughout Kentucky gives us a real advantage in defending our clients. A Louisville murder lawyer from our office understands the seriousness of a murder charge and what’s on the line if you’re convicted, which is why we aggressively defend our clients by whatever legal means are necessary.


Many different factors influence the severity of assault cases. We will develop the correct defense strategy based on the facts of your particular case.

Some alleged assaults may be classified as aggravated when one of the following conditions exists:

  • Use of a weapon
  • Elevated status of the victim
  • Aggravated intent of the perpetrator
  • High degree of injury

Aggravated assault convictions usually carry harsher penalties than standard assaults, so it’s crucial to have a Louisville assault attorney who will craft the proper defense based on the particular details of the charges.

Shooting Cases

The complex gun laws in the commonwealth related to violent crimes can be extremely difficult to navigate without our skilled Louisville violent crime lawyers. Because shooting cases typically involve serious bodily injury, Kentucky prosecutes them aggressively. In the event you’re implicated in a shooting case, it’s essential to retain an experienced Louisville assault attorney.

Rape And Other Violent Crimes

Violent sex offenses are some of the most serious charges you can face. We understand how to handle them with sensitivity and discretion. We will fight to spare you the harsh consequences of a lengthy prison term, lifelong social stigma and mandatory sex offender registration. We also handle other violent crime charges at the state and federal levels.

Mitigate The Impact Of Violent Crime Charges

A violent crime conviction can result in lifelong consequences. Beyond the criminal proceedings, you might also get stuck with a protective order against you that limits your freedom in significant ways. We can help you avoid or minimize these consequences.

To get started with a free consultation, call 502-264-9494 today.